Monday, September 21, 2009

Pain Meds Prescribed For A Hernia

I gotta feeling ...

Spring is coming, and Nicolo 'wakes up! A long winter that frankly I was not really prepared me to hit on the nape asleep all my willingness' to blogger ... Numerous events have marked the "bad season" first and foremost event of events, namely the birth of my grandson Yuri, which will 'finally are in November, when we return home for the Christmas holidays. There is no 'what to say, we can not wait to go back a little' home to our loved ones! A little 'relaxation in the family we want without thinking of Mum and Dad in the nest'! And organized a mega New Year with friends old and new continent! The Australian life while continues without burning stages and shortcuts, but in the right direction. In March end 'schools and the recognition by the Australian government of my new profession (cook), we can apply for residence without too many expectations ... and maybe aspire to double in summer 2010:)
Yesterday we opened the season in the Backyard BBQ 2009 "with a beautiful sunny day in the photos soon!