Monday, January 24, 2011

Pine Car Templates Star Wars

"The other great experience of my stay there (note: in Tibet) was the nature. I understood why certain people have not needed to sacred scriptures, the message brought by someone who came from a some afterlife. the one in front of their eyes, open to all, was the book to read. All the messages were there. There is something deeply sacred in nature in which man has not yet gotten their hands to exploit it and bend it to its purposes.
Nature, in its primitive purity, it is in balance, that has a completeness which we humans aspire to. simple observation, I seemed to find a homeland; felt assonance I had forgotten. Put my life to the rhythm seemed itself a medicine. The city does not do any more. The day ends and the lights come on automatically. Continue reading, walking to work the same. You could - and many were forced from their jobs, they do - turn everything: stay awake at night and sleep during the day. But this reversal of ourselves. The more we civilized, the more we distance ourselves from nature, including our own nature which is to be part of everything. "

Tiziano Terzani - Taken from" Another round of tournament "
Photo: Bichino, Tasmania - 2010

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Business Objects And Scheduled Refresh

dilemmas of the information age ...

Ok ... let's say Facebook is nice, you can do, write, see a lot of things, we keep in touch with people, you can organize events and so on ... but now I'm broke! I'm confused, a part of me finds it a very useful tool, especially for people like me can not hear often with the family, the other party pulls back frightened by the multitude of hours I spend sifting through "states", "photo" comments "also, and above all, of persons for whom I could care less ... What do we do? I would like to delete my profile, but I would not risk being left out of the "scene" ... Not to mention that the guy who invented it is rather annoying to me, and I'm not going to enhance it ... but this is without a doubt a personal matter ...! I flashed in my mind is about to re-populate my old blog post, which frankly I do not update for a while '... out of laziness more than anything else ... mhmm ok, and I think I know!