Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dezert Eagle Blueprint

Bavette with pesto, potatoes and green beans

Today I wanted to pay homage to my favorite vegetarian recipes with unearthed on the site, my site the reference for Italian cooking. The dish is not 'just a pasta al pesto with the addition of beans and potatoes, which despite its simplicity' is a valid alternative as a main dish. The only care is in the cooking times that if not met are likely to spoil the result. In this regard the Board to cook the potatoes cut into small pieces for 1 minute and a half in the oven microondeo and then continue cooking in the pot (from cold water to a boil) to speed up the process and drain the beans when they are still a bit 'crunchy in order not to be overcooked when being served (in fact, continue the cooking process even once pulled out of the water, unless you wet them in ice water, the that would not make much sense given that the dish should be served hot).
Once potatoes, beans and pasta are cooked and drained place them gently in a bowl and mix together lightly with the pesto. For this recipe I did not add the Parmesan, first because 'already' contained in the pesto, the other 'cause if it is too large (as is usually like at all) is likely to disproportionately dry ingredients already' consistently ammalgamare starch potato.
Enjoy it!


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