Thursday, January 8, 2009

Pitcures Of A Womans Breast

Happy New year!

Happy 2009 to all!
And when I say everyone I mean just to all, no one is excluded! :-)
We returned from a few days of fantastic mini trip on the coast of New South Wales and Victoria to celebrate the arrival of the best new years e. .. could not do it in a better way!
A decision made to last, worthy of the best Italian heads, under a "rock 'we book tomorrow" or "Do not worry, there is something" ... Here first of all a fact I must thank the mother of Lori, Paula, that without his help we would not have been able to enjoy the best holiday, then of course our drivers and Beppe Loris (nicknamed for the occasion Playmobil Pilot) Toyota Camry 's 86, which probably has never seen all those miles all at once, and Chiara Chiara ... Oh, without his "At the end of the road turn left, then at the roundabout second exit" we would not have gotten nowhere! (Clare and 'GPS navigation on mobile ...).
Cosi 'on December 29 lions Melbourne (Cristian, Beppe, Lori, Isis and myself) came en route to Sydney, Canberra merrily passing (using twice the hours, starting with a delay and also finding it scary space for a barbecue on the road), and visiting the best beaches of white sand and crystal clear water.
I believe that only the photos can give an idea of \u200b\u200bbeauty then I leave you go to the photos again and I wish you good year, which is sunny and bright as what we started us!


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