Saturday, February 14, 2009

Elevated Ld, Ast, Alt And Billirubin

BUT how good they are !

Dear friends and dear friends,
I am referring to the reply given by the government (the military) on 11 Resolutions us Calipari - Ascierto - Fava under Law 244/2007.
Given that we all know of the illegal conduct carried out by the Defence (the military) and hatred fed by the Head of SMD to staff concession expired with title "The problem is the sine titulo 'a moral issue ..." and again " We can not help with the purchase of accommodation users who have not heeded our wishes "and finally" It 's the fault of the policy which until now has revived the block evictions.
With this in mind we already clear what would be the position of the Government (military leaders) Resolution on Calipari - and Ascierto Fava.
Ascierto Resolution calling for the government's commitment to: 1. adhere to in paragraph 628, lettara a) 1. which states that housing ASI are only those assigned to the staff that requires the constant presence in the place of employment. The Government, consciously lies, welcomed this commitment. We all know that instead of the Regulations the term was changed to "the constant presence in the area of \u200b\u200bemployment." But good!, But good! but as we become smarter! We'll see what happens when the Regulations will be presented to the Boards. The second point of the resolution
Ascierto imp0egno asked the Government to submit, together with the Rules, also the list of housing transferred. The government (the military) on this point did not want to go into, but only said that land is the rule laid down in paragraph 629. In short, they said that the lists are "top secret" and no one, for any reason, must see.
But Holy God, how do you evaluate a regulation that provides for the implementation of a program of construction / acquisition of accommodation based on sales unless you know how many and what are these units to be disposed of? It also requested the government's commitment to incorporate in housing accommodation that is not alienated in the 4493 most useful already identified by Defence (Minister Martino) March 2, 2006. If military leaders continue to say that will sell 3000 housing no longer useful, then it means that the remaining part of those previously identified are now, no one knows what mysterious affair, now useful to the needs of Defence. Mysteries of the human mind!.
The third point of the resolution calling for the government's commitment to suspend any action until the completion of forced recovery plan do for sale. The government (the military) says that you must abide by a strict rule of law, and can not do otherwise, which provides the block to the enactment of the Regulation. But good!, But good!, But as they are good and respectful to the law.
But we do the pleasure! They did spend four years without putting their hands a law (326/2003) of the state and today we all become better and more good!
But then, in response to Resolution Calipari, the government (the military) says that plans for further withdrawals are possible in the future.
And then how do you evict people today and in the future may be potential buyers? Mystery of human mind.
The only thing that comforts us in all this ridiculous story - sorry to see that a politician as the Secretary Cossiga has been able to lend to the spokesman of a caste that he knows very well-is to be heard, before moving to a final decision, both the Director of the Agency represented the GENIODIFE State Property that representatives of the users.
I receive items of discomfort from some of you.
Still all is not lost even if in Italy this can always happen.
Finally we'll see what I say to the Minister - I have strong doubts that the Minister La Russa would have the strength to oppose the military-given that the last defense of the Supreme Committee presented the draft law on the establishment of the Defence Services Company SpA which must also be concerned with the alienation of real estate assets of the defense. Finally, we must ensure
dirty tricks to avoid taking account of the military who are now in a blind alley from which it can hardly escape from. About
watch, you know how it turns out to friends who did not want the law on securitization that gave them the opportunity remains in nine years? Now the controller, as well as told by the Secretary Cossiga, provides for a stay from 5 to 9 years, then must leave the accommodation. Thanks friends for what they have done to frustrate the law 326/2003. A resent

Monday, February 9, 2009

Can Bamboo Grow In Iceland

Spegnamo the candles! When the earth

As the clouds move above us with sinuous vortices, a tired and wrinkled apple falls to the ground in a moment. A loud thud in his reclining on the ground, so imperceptible to us as penetrating to the caterpillar, which escaped the danger of being crushed, is quick with his swing to take shelter. One moment, a life. A life full of moments that are followed quickly with no chance 'to stop them. A creaking wooden wheel that drops its ascent. And he notes that, absent this, the silent observer, Executioner infamous and brings hope. For every step you create a groove on us, inside us, to be filled with him its fruits that sooner or later fall to the ground to lie down, close to the caterpillar will continue ', with his swing, finding a safe haven, close to the leaf, the source of life.


Nicolo 'Tiozzo

people a year and a' past. Exactly 365 days ago we landed in this very red earth that has given us in fates of experience and emotions. As usual life, with its rules, we have tested, and we are happy to essercela fared. A hug.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Toshiba Cursor Won,'t Move


Dear friends and dear friends,
I awaited the conclusion of what began last Oct. 2 - Supreme Council of Defence - to update you about what had happened in the meantime. As you
learned from the press last October 2 took place on the Supreme Defence Council. The Head of State had agreed that it was time to reform the structure of the armed forces, reducing the number of soldiers from 180 thousand to 140 thousand, or a consolidation of logistics, slimming staffs and other measures to curb spending. The Chief of Defence initially declared himself upset and just this opposition of top military brass there was hope that finally he was addressing the issues in a serious and rational. The Council was upgraded to 29 March 2009 to assess the measures that were initiated. Meanwhile, on December 18 the Council of Ministers, upon proposal of the Minister of Defence, approved the Bill which was created with the company Defense Services Task SpA Company was to sell medals, badges and so on and then proceed with the sale of real estate. Clearly, the Staff of the Company would be all military. So, from a planned reduction of Col. and Gen., we would be faced with a transfer of seats. But can you imagine what you would be able to invent our so as not to give up the chair?. Then: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Board of Directors, Auditors and then eventually all the wards - one for each armed force - with Deputy department heads, secretaries and so on. In conclusion, before making the law already on the deception!. But it does not end here because the Supreme Defence Council of 29 January it was agreed to create a "High Commission advice and study for the redefinition of the system of defense and national security . This means that other chairs, to say the seats, will be created and the ones that will be sent home the soldiers will be employed instead on several fronts.
I report that gave the definition of the Committee on the New York Times Mr. Richard Harkness: "It is said Commission a group selected from a group of listless unable to process of something useless." (See the drift Gian Antonio Stella and Rizzo).
These are things Italian.
and housing? The global economic crisis should lead any sensible person to cut the deadwood but here we are in Italy, the country of the sun, the mandolin and spaghetti. We rent the air, they leave the port in ships and aircraft hangar in the wagons, but please do not remove the only satisfaction to our lives: playing with the accommodations.
the next.