Monday, February 9, 2009

Can Bamboo Grow In Iceland

Spegnamo the candles! When the earth

As the clouds move above us with sinuous vortices, a tired and wrinkled apple falls to the ground in a moment. A loud thud in his reclining on the ground, so imperceptible to us as penetrating to the caterpillar, which escaped the danger of being crushed, is quick with his swing to take shelter. One moment, a life. A life full of moments that are followed quickly with no chance 'to stop them. A creaking wooden wheel that drops its ascent. And he notes that, absent this, the silent observer, Executioner infamous and brings hope. For every step you create a groove on us, inside us, to be filled with him its fruits that sooner or later fall to the ground to lie down, close to the caterpillar will continue ', with his swing, finding a safe haven, close to the leaf, the source of life.


Nicolo 'Tiozzo

people a year and a' past. Exactly 365 days ago we landed in this very red earth that has given us in fates of experience and emotions. As usual life, with its rules, we have tested, and we are happy to essercela fared. A hug.


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