Friday, April 10, 2009

How To Make A Weed Eater Rc Boat

Penguins, crooked doors and Easter at the Messina Bridge

Philipp Island 'an island south of Melbourne overlooking the ocean on one side and the other nestled in the bay where we spent my 27th birthday. Intrinsa of absolute peace and a good dose of cold and this' was really a trip outside of absolute leisure and relaxation like no other I think, the temperatures to be complicit in "fire-film-covered potato chips" and the abundant food "beccolaggio" instead of real meals. But we landed here by accident. In fact, '"Philip Island" and' known in Australia for a reason, ie Penguins! Yes, there is no need to go to the South Pole to see them in their natural habitat to roam behind it by the hard working day, but inboccare the highway leading south and after 1 hour and a half you find yourself in the middle of the jungle! Fantastic, however, awkward and tender, a show!
Back in Melbourne the desire to fancazzeggio does not pass, and now here come the Easter with his four days of festivities' will give us' more surely 'a chocolate egg ... meanwhile the surprise I caught it anyway. .. a beautiful twisted ankle after just five minutes to pull the ball park ... Rating: Too subdued! :-(


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