Saturday, January 30, 2010

Flu In Scottsdale Arizona Anything Going Ariound


Dear friends and dear friends,
finally ended this farce!.
Government and opposition have found a point of agreement: on the one hand and to save someone other hand, the Secretary Crosetto (military chain of command) gets cleared for the change in the definition of accommodation ASI.
Only we can change a law with implementing regulations, despite the comments made by V Budget Committee that had conditioned the favorable opinion of the replacement of the definition given in the Regulations to that indicated in the law.
But anyhow, so goes the world.
If everything remains as it appears in DM and in the Regulations only a few will be saved from eviction.
I think at this point, provided that the Court of Auditors will not detect the damage to the treasury,
prepare to challenge the two acts to be unlawful.
What do you think?
await your opinions and other suggestions.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Simpsons Bart Hits Homer With Chair Clip


Dear friends and dear friends,
thinking about what happened in Italy, with reference to the sale of housing both Entities of Commons - I refer in particular to the City of Rome - the only consideration which is reached is the one title. We are military
Sons of a Lesser God. "
The Public, the Law 410/2001, have sold more than 100,000 homes.
The City of Rome, municipal resolutions, has sold more than 32,000 public housing units.
Here are the highlights of selling rules:
- option right to buy tenants;
- if a tenant could not or would not buy, the continued use of the accommodation fee to be bound;
- 30 discount % on the price established;
- further discount, up to a maximum of 20% for each year of age of the building;
- additional 10% discount if you bought all the tenants occupied housing;
- ban sales for 10 years, reduced to five for those over seventy.
Compare this with the Regulations now being discussed by the Defence Committee IV, then to you the conclusions.
As I said a member of the defense of the military's worst enemies are the military .... "
Greetings to you all.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Heather Brooke On Bed With Friend

NEW YEAR ... things you've seen before!!

Dear friends and dear friends, we are already
2010. After the elapsed time was right to consider whether or not to continue to monitor the problem of the sale of housing-which means continuing to fight against the excessive power of the Administration - and after taking note of the way through the parliamentary proceedings act of Defense (I did not, however, no reasonable doubt), I decided that we can not give up for the arrogance of power!
Then start again. Recent events
see (I omit what happened in 2009 - a back and forth by the State Council), the two Ministerial Decrees - Rules for the Implementation of Law 244/2007 and DM still stuck at the fourth annual Defence Committee that will give own opinion.
The Rules.
E 'an act of illegality stuffed Rapporteur highlighted by Mr De Angelis.
1 st Place "Defining housing ASI" The defense, despite the above clarification provided Cossiga from the Hon Secretary in the Defence Committee that they respected the law, has now changed its position and contrary to the provisions of the Act sought to change the definition ASI repeating that housing is "the one assigned to the staff that requires the constant presence in places of employment. " Of what we had already spoken in the past.
2 nd Place "People housing alienation." The defense insists on not wanting to deposit the list of accommodation, saying that it will at a later time (90 days. After the publication of the Regulations), although it has established with the annual DM will be disposed of 3,131 dwellings. Why
its 3131? and will therefore be inferred that it knows the properties that are no longer useful to their needs. What then the hidden reason for not wanting to say what are these units?
The manager with responsibility for dealing with the problem had twice reserve to respond to specific requests made by 'Mr Villecco Calipari and the Speaker Hon De Angelis.
The Commission's opinion will be given in the next session even if in the meantime someone else has started to break down that sense of confidence that pervaded the Defence.
The V of the House Budget Committee that would give its opinion on the rules and forwarded to the Defense Committee, has established "The condition for a favorable opinion, that the definition of" accommodation ASI "is that required by law 244/2007, art. 2, paragraph 628, letter a) No 1.
I want to mention here that in the past, the defense was forced to withdraw an annual DM because, as established by the Cons. State, the opinion expressed by the Commission shall be deemed only favorable all'avverarsi of the obligations put forward in condition.
So what? To hear from you soon