Monday, November 29, 2010

Combat Action Badge How Many Authorized


Dear friends and dear friends, we learn that a large
number of people are turning to the right house to see if your accommodation is included among those to be sold. House
law calls for calm and said to reveal the secret after the publication of the decree and that, in the meantime, we must roll up their sleeves ! .
I do not think you want to show that some accommodation - shot to guess-located in Via Garibaldi in Rome is included among those transferred.
And if tomorrow, after the publication of the list (not the decree) by the State Property Agency Via Garibaldi is apparent that miraculously disappeared?.
must start (or lay?) A table!.
To do what? How
we have said before, via Garibaldi was with the law 326/2003 and someone who did not want to buy the house could stay for nine years now with the law 244/2007, via Garibaldi's, who does not want to buy the house will stay for nine years, the only difference is that until you acquire the dwelling (not less than three years) or more for nine years will have to pay the Conon free market!
Forget the ISEE or the letter promised by the gradual Crosetto, the Court of Auditors say "dura lex, sed lex."
House right now, good fight with the military!

Bow & Arrow Dark Forest Level 9


Dear friends and dear friends sfrattandi car or evicted
we'd like to know why the Secretary, as the plan required by law-scam, promoted and praised by House right as the panacea for all pensioners and widows, provides that in fifteen years, the Defense build or buy on the open market more than 50,000 dwellings for a total expenditure of € 5.7 billion (almost a financial) to be financed by the sale of not less than 3,000 rooms, because we said we wanted at all costs rages to evict some thousand (or few hundred, perhaps, as the Commission said in defense), for families?. Maybe he thinks to resolve the situation for the conduct of the bankruptcy assets housing that evicting?
In the humble opinion of this writer, we believe that the Secretary, the political - and I have proof on paper-has been tricked by the military who have no intention of doing anything!.
The only interest of top military brass is to demonstrate their power - other than Afghanistan! - And the willingness of the Secretary are about to succeed. We'll see after D-Day!
Because the Secretary has never sought or has never asked what has changed since March 2006 to December 2007?
certainly aware, or should know, in March 2006 the then Defence Minister, also urged the Question time presented in plenary by the Group of NA - On the first signatory Ignazio La Russa, what is now wants to evict us - and discussed December 21, 2005, was pushing for it to proceed with the sale to users of sine titulo of 4493 identified housing as no longer 'useful to the defense needs.
Today we talk of selling a total of no less than 3,000 units NO LONGER 'useful to the defense needs.
Question: Is it illogical to think of those from 4493 housing? There would be more resources? Or do you want to do with persecuting arrogant, putting in place actions that border on psychological terrorism, the families of ultra-seventies?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Name Of Funny Diseases


Dear friends and dear friends, we finally understood the game
House law. At first we thought that the cancellation law House wanted by the law 326/2003 - to be clear that he did buy the house for sine titulo with a discount of 41% - were attributable to the fact that some users, perhaps only one, not wanted to buy a house and wanted to stay during his lifetime, preferably for free.
We were wrong. From the chart published by Casa law and intervening with Gen. Camporini - CSM-defense, we discovered that the reason why House has made clear the law is the law that "he wanted the defense MUGGING 4500 housing." And those who were waiting to buy?
not care about that then the military would proceed with evictions. The fact remains that someone will house nine years always right remains in engaged.
makes me laugh is the fact that home straight, almost passively, suggests the staff to run and do the ISEE.
Evidently I must say that House did not read the law of the threatening letter SM - all the same and photocopy for the three-MS.
no law currently in force has given the defense the right to ask the family income of each user as it did not grant the right to do lists for the evictions is that the increase of fees. We're back to the Super enalotto. Must House know that the right of a rent increase will be equal for all, otherwise the Court of Auditors shall quote the defense to give the Treasury. Then reassure Mr. Boncioli: he will have his bell'aumento and, incidentally, from 1 January next year.
This is the answer that will give the defense: it must respect the law.
As I got to say: WHO'S 'GUILT OF ITS BAD ... ..

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Boombox Antenna Parts

WHO 'because of his MAL ... ! HERE ARE THE NUMBERS

Dear friends and dear friends, I would have preferred
silent for a little longer, but since many of you have contacted me to ask what will be our future, I am here to answer to all of you.
I'm really impressed by the frantic activity of our friends (sic) of Casadiritto.
What if it got to the presentation of motions - look a little no one says that the first presenter is a member of the party Ginfranco Fini, FUTURE AND FREEDOM? -.
There will be time to discuss these motions in the House? I have my doubts. Will certainly be happy with the Hon. Crosetto and Gen. Camporini.
the way, you know what out of good will that man (Gen. Camporini) who wants to increase the rent at open market prices? The modest sum of one million euro!
But apart from that and returning to the frenetic activity Casadiritto and praiseworthy, since we were not born yesterday, we all remember when, after the approval of Law 326/2003 - in short, the law that allowed us to buy the house where we lived by taking advantage of the discount of 41% - some, perhaps Casadiritto, if not I'm mistaken, the sole ground that the law would allow him to remain in his quarters for nine years he shouted: THIS LAW It will take 'HAND IN THE BANKS. Casadrittom Thanks for saving us, you are thankful.
Seven years have passed, the houses were not sold and those characters who yesterday opposed the sale of homes because a stay was imposed for nine years, now find themselves suffering the same fate. Then
Casadiritto with who are you? With you or those (perhaps only one) who do not want to buy the house? Also nine years (at most) will remain.
Rather Be aware that some members of the new party for Freedom and Future of Italy will present in Finance (Stability Pact) of the Orders of the day when you ask those things we always wanted.
To all of you a hug and see you soon