Monday, September 15, 2008

Hack For Sidekick Prepaid


THE BIBLE of every sysadmin little to do with the subject matter but you propose again here as a warning as well as absolute pearl of wisdom:

This is my backup. There are many like it, but this is mine. My backup is my best friend, is my life. I must master it as dominated my life. Without me, my backup is nothing, without my restore I am nothing. I must know backupped servers incrementally better than my enemy who seeks to rubbish me and my backup (Murphy), I must backupped before he disgraced my hard drive and I will. Before God I swear this creed. My backup and myself are defenders of the engine room, we are the masters of our RAID enemies, we are the saviors of our lives and so be it, until there is more but only restore backup. Amen.

Freely adapted from THIS signed Ienabellamy Blog ... cherish it ;-)

Toshiba 440cdt Usb Drivers

Welcome back

Driiiiiiin Driiiiiiiiin .... Helpdesk, Hello?

Yes, Mark is ready, just got back from holiday and I can not remember the password resets .... me?
IO: (clikketiclikkete. .....) ok done, greetings.

Driiiiiiin Driiiiiiiiin .... Helpdesk Hello?

Good morning to you, I am just back from holiday and can not remember the password you can reset it ...?
IO: (clikketiclikkete. .....) ok done, greetings.

Driiiiiiin Driiiiiiiiin .... Helpdesk, Hello?

you hear, I forget the password ... know how it is ... I have just returned from holiday ... can reset it?
IO: (clikketiclikkete. .....) ok done, greetings.

pass type 40 calls the same and we begin to reach the limit ....

Driiiiiiin Driiiiiiiiin .... Helpdesk, Hello?

Look, I do not remember the pwd of the PC .... know how it is ... (interrupting the user ...) Sisi, it is ... I can wait in line for a moment? I do a transaction ...
USER: Ok please, go ahead!

IO: I search your PC ...... and here it is ....
play the card of Vate Mosconi !! (the mute button Phone ...):



* then I take off the Mute button from the phone. *

IO: Here I am, excuse the wait ... (clikketiclikkete. .....) ok done, greetings.

normal day in late August ....

Elevated Ldh, Ast, Alt And Bilirubin


Driiiiiiin Driiiiiiiiin .... Helpdesk, Hello?

Yes, Hello ... Look, my name is Marta e. ..... I wanted to point out that disintegrated a network folder, you can regenerate??

-------- CLICK tututututu .....

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Template Of A Babys Footprint

faxa the fax, the printer will not print ....


Hello, my name is Luke and I would like to point out that the printer does not print, fax and the scanner does not faxa scanner. ...

-------- CLICK tututututu .....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sentencing Letter To Judge Template

Just to recreation ... Hello

Guys, I put the Pac-Man at the bottom a little time for recreation, the commands are the 4 directional arrows to go out and Q and P for pause. Have fun ;-)

Hello, Doctor

Creamy Red Wine Vinaigrette

Helpdesk: - \\

I open this blog for someone like me, do help technical / computer science at large \\ large companies who abuse benefit in such a way as to sclera operators, here you can tell historical facts (obviously omitting names, etc. companies. ) which may then be reported (after being screened) in the same Blog.
A very special thanks goes to David White (aka Sysadmin that depopulated the web for its Stories of the engine room) to have evolved increased my already fulfilling cynicism and delight me every Monday with his adventures.

the blog is currently under construction, news will follow shortly.


The Doctor.

Ps The rules are simple, send email to me what you signed mail unless you want to stay anonymous that you just specify it in the mail. As soon as the various adventures will be evaluated and then mail will be notified as soon as possible.
not make the names of companies and / or UTONTI nor references to various applications unless they are in the public domain (eg chess .... Internet Explorer rather than $ nomediunapplicativointernobancarioconlastessafunzionediIE for example).
any thing (including at Systems) always contact me in private email ;-)