Monday, September 15, 2008

Hack For Sidekick Prepaid


THE BIBLE of every sysadmin little to do with the subject matter but you propose again here as a warning as well as absolute pearl of wisdom:

This is my backup. There are many like it, but this is mine. My backup is my best friend, is my life. I must master it as dominated my life. Without me, my backup is nothing, without my restore I am nothing. I must know backupped servers incrementally better than my enemy who seeks to rubbish me and my backup (Murphy), I must backupped before he disgraced my hard drive and I will. Before God I swear this creed. My backup and myself are defenders of the engine room, we are the masters of our RAID enemies, we are the saviors of our lives and so be it, until there is more but only restore backup. Amen.

Freely adapted from THIS signed Ienabellamy Blog ... cherish it ;-)


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