Sunday, December 14, 2008

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Care micas and dear friends, you
update on the meeting held with Hon. CROSETTO, Undersecretary of Defense with responsibility for the treatment of the problem stayed, which authorized the issuance of the following statement:
military families
Committee Home

On 27 November 2008, the Committee was received by Hon. Guido CROSETTO, Secretary of State for Defence, to address the issue of alienation of the housing stock managed by the Defense, with particular reference to the application of the rule set by law 244/2007, which will impact on the lives of thousands of families.
then speak of the future sale of housing and, once approved the rules, many families to the threat of being evicted.
The Committee has been the disastrous social and economic aspects that such a solution would entail.
The Hon. Crosetto was clear that the possibility to apply solely in cases where occupied dwellings and not released are located within military facilities.
He also gave assurance that it will be launched in a very short time, the plan of selling the largest possible number of housing located outside of the military infrastructure thus timely to launch this multi-annual program for the construction and purchase of new housing that can meet the needs of staff in the waiting list. The Committee
had in fact shown that it exceeded the old formula of housing rotation for which Robbing Peter to give to others is difficult to overcome trauma by creating all displeased to thousands of families who had spent more than half of their lives, both in service and retired in the same house.
The special case of housing located in Rome, Hon. Crosetto expressed by giving assurance that the sales plan will be large because it is in the interest of the State, given also the serious economic crisis we face, again with a vast plan of operations in the sector.
The Committee expresses its gratitude to Hon. Crosetto for their commitment and determination with which is facing and solving a problem deepened by years of inaction in the belief that the sale of the assets managed by the Defence is now considered a priority for the staff, the Public Accounts and for the renewal and enhancement of the same today degradation pathway for atavistic lack of maintenance.
December 2008.

We are confident that the words will follow the facts, just due to a response to those on the website of Defense AM insist on giving us the abuses and which can not wait to "pass for weapons." A cordial greeting


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