Friday, December 3, 2010

Hiring In Brampton On


Dear friends and dear friends,
our "thank you" goes to Hon. Di Biagio, Sen. Germontani and the whole Group and the Future of Freedom for Italy, certainly not to the House law, for these reasons: A.

The Hon. Di Biagio:
- by presenting a motion in Parliament in the House - House artificially distorted by-law has given way to other subsequent motions of other parties;
- with the presentation of a OdG the Stability Pact, artificially distorted by home straight, saw the partial acceptance by the Government's commitments to safeguard the "generally known"
- With the presentation and illustration of "question time" in the House, artificially distorted by our own, has faced a non-existent Minister La Russa.
The basic consideration that arises is: when you think only the self-interest, right dear home, dear "generally known", the result is obtained, that is NOTHING.

B. The Hon. Germontani:
- With the presentation of the usual motion, artificially distorted by the right house, and luckily not discussed, either now or never, the Senate has not wanted to show his support, because of Home right at all "sine titulo" but only the "usual known"
- By presenting dell'OdG, accepted by the 5 th of the Senate Budget Committee in the discussion of the Stability Pact, which is re-established the truth of the law, and that does not relate in part accepted in full by Commission, "usually known," he tried to defend all sine titulo, attacking the defense where it is most vulnerable;

C. House Law:
- Of course our thanks can not go home because right :
a) A house is right on him all the fault of the times in which we live (I had already talked about in my previous writing "Collusion with the enemy ");
b) A House is leaning right all the blame for doing OdG present motions or trying to protect the" usual known. "

Luckily we intervened in time to warn, telling the truth about the "better known", the component of the Future and Freedom.
According to scientists, it would have to meet the Minister (military leaders) to the question time presented by 'Mr Di Biagio, if not what was said?
The error is cause because when you try to pull water ONLY WITH THEIR MILL, without taking into account the public interest, in the end this is the result you get. About
lists housing alienable, we too, as the House law, we are in possession of these lists and, just so you know, housing in Via Garibaldi are included in the plan of sale. So as we said before, or takes or nine years left to pay the rent free market! RIGHT AT HOME THANKS
Finally, the law allows us, as the sine titulo, to buy the house at a discount of 41%, was canceled in 2007.

Who knows what tomorrow brings!

A tip: be careful what you tell it.


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