Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Letters Of Interest To Sororities

With the clouds - Emma Brown (2010)

Italian version

My sown sia passato little tempo
my watch has stopped and I do not know what
and do not understand what you just said
and you do not I repeat most

And now it all seems very different or
perhaps removing makeup from your face
Yet I have spoken often
e non ti riconosco più

E tutto cambia e cambierà

Danzerò di notte con le nuvole
sfiderò la sorte senza piangere
come se fosse pioggia
come se fosse aria
to make life
easier than it is

Danzer night with clouds
kiss the lot without crying
like rain
like air
to make life more complicated
for me and for you

I think our time has passed
your poems, pictures in black and white
and the words written on a wall
not read more

And everything changes and change

Danzer at night with clouds
defy fate without crying
like rain
like air
to make life
easier than it is

Danzer at night with clouds
kiss the lot without crying
like rain
like air
to make life more complicated

Pictures of me and you
marked by the time
passes and leaves traces
of stifled dreams mind

Danzer at night with clouds
defy fate without crying
as if rain was
like air
to make life
easier than it is

Danzer at night with clouds
kiss the lot without crying
like rain
like air
to make life more complicated
for me and for you
for me and you

With las Nubes - Emma Brown
to Traducción español

I think that has happened recently
my watch has stopped and do not know how long
and do not understand that you've just said
and you do not you repeat over

And now it seems all quite different or
may remove makeup from your face
yet you have spoken very often
and I recognize you no more

And everything changes and change

I play at night with clouds
challenge not mourn the fate
as if rain
air as if
to restore life harder
for me and for you

I think our time has passed
your poetry, the black and white photos
and words written on a wall
read more not

And everything changes and change

I play at night with clouds
challenge not mourn the fate
as if rain
as if it were air
to restore life
simpler than that which is

I play at night with clouds
challenge mourn the fate without
as if rain
air as if
to return life harder

Pictures of me and you
signs of time
passes and leaves traces
suffocated dreams in the mind

Danzare of night clouds
challenge not mourn the fate
as if rain
air as if
to return life
simplest one that is

night I play with the clouds
challenge not mourn the fate
as if rain
air as if
to restore life harder
for me and for you
for me and for you


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