Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Proposal Franchise Sample


Dear friends and dear friends,
close to Christmas, this is the letter I wrote to Santa Claus:
Dear Santa, I've been good suit for a life but, contrary to what I hoped, I have always faced me bad people. I always hoped that all people were honest and good, but the evidence of facts denied my desire.
I hope the new year is better than what we are leaving (Dec. 31 is just around the corner!) And that all positions to abandon selfishness and arrogance.
I promise that I will continue to be good and good.
Everything passes and everything goes, tomorrow is another day!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How Long Does It Take A Check To Clear

Serenata Rap - Jovanotti (1994)

Versión en Italian

If you met on the street I can not talk
I get stuck the words I can not look
eyes I feel insane
if I could amplify the beat of my heart

feel a drummer in a band of heavy metal
and that is why I'm here in front
is much easier because I sing you a song
maybe you feel that the walls and people
rather than call you and tell you all face to face
risking making a fool of

'm shy but love gives me courage
to tell you that since I saw you in May is always
and May, the world is beautiful and inviting colors
but still trees there are only flowers
that sooner or later it says will become even fruits
and then, what do you do? greedily aspects
aspects that desire is shared
I am here before you I ask for a smile
at the window, my love

the balcony answer the intercom
I came here with the turntables and microphone with
to sing with my whole feeling
and if you want me I'll gladly kiss
serenade and this is my challenge with destiny
I that for the life of us we were near
serenade rap to tell you that you
I like how you look at me, I like how you're with me
I like what your nose that blends in with the world
I like your ass so round
satellite to make every living
I like you because you're smart
you see from your hands as you move
Gettin 'thoughts and feelings are always new

In your hips are your breasts in The Alps The Dolomites
I like what your taste in choosing clothes
that your being on top of the fashions of the moment
you are a flower that has grown asphalt and concrete

(Subway Serenade
Serenata rap, serenata rap)
Look out the window, my love
looking out the window, my love
looking out the window, my love

Serenata rap serenade metro
put on me, I'm not a motherfucker
not believe things you say about me
are all a bit 'jealous for some reason
I promise you stories of passion from script
movies, novels and that I know of a song
I offer you the truth, body, soul and brain
love, only love only, only one

at the window my love
looking out the window, my love
looking out the window, my love

love that no one beloved, loving dog pig
write it on walls and subways
million inhabitants of this city
that go on day after day, ignoring
and then for some reason because who knows
for as no one knows why, because who knows
for two looks like a destiny in a time overlap
buildings, asphalt and smog are transformed into garden
consecrated persons from the exchange of a ring
and a studio that will become a castle
at the window, my love

In your The sides are in the Alps The Dolomites your breasts
I like what your taste in choosing clothes
this to be beyond the fashions of the moment
you are a flower that is grew up on the asphalt and concrete

Facing the window, my love
at the window, my love
at the window, my love
affacciati alla finestra, mio \u200b\u200bamore

A ffacciati alla finestra, mio \u200b\u200bamore
affacciati alla finestra, mio \u200b\u200bamore
per te ci sono da questa be io

Serenata Rap - Jovanotti
English translation

If I find the street I dare not speak
I blocked the words I dare not look at you
my eyes seem crazy
if I could amplify the beat of my heart
feel a drummer in a heavy metal band
and this is why I am here before
for me is much easier to sing a song
hopefully be heard at the walls and people
best phone And tell you all face to face
risk making a fool of

I am shy but love me courage to tell
since I've seen is always
May and in May the world is beautiful and inviting colors
but still on the trees are just flowers
or later early fruit will become
and then, what do you do? waiting greedily expect
shared this desire comes
I am here before you ask a smile
Look out the window, my love

Look out the balcony answer me
I came here with a turntable and microphone
complex next to mine to sing the feeling
and if you want to kiss me I'll be happy
and this is my serenade challenge fate
want the life we \u200b\u200btwo were close
rap serenade you and tell you
I like how I look, I like you me
like me that nose of yours that is in harmony with the world
I like your take and resounding
from becoming a satellite every living
I like you because you're smart
is in your hands as you move
provoke thoughts and feelings I always new

In your hips are in your breasts Alps The Dolomites
like yours that I like to choose your clothes
that yours be on the current fashion
are a flower that has grown over asphalt and cement

(Serenata metropolitan
Serenata rap, serenata rap)
Look out the window, my love
Look out the window, my love
Look out the window, my love

Serenata rap, serenata metropolitan
Get me, I am not a bastard
do not believe the things you say about me
are all a little perhaps envious because
I promise you stories of passion of libretto
film, novels and even a song
I offer truth, body, soul and brain
love, only love, only, only that

Look out the window, my love
Look out the window, my love
Look out the window, my love
for you since this afternoon I am there

Love that no loved, love forgives dirty dog \u200b\u200b
I write on the walls and the metropolitan
is this city of millions
ignored day after day go forward
and then perhaps because, as they may
for like two eyes overlap at a destination
palaces, asphalt, and smog are transformed into a garden
consecrated persons from sharing a ring
and a studio apartment that will become a castle
Look out the window, my love

In your hips are in your breasts Alps The Dolomites
like yours that I like to choose your clothes
that yours be on the current fashion
you a flower has grown over the asphalt and cement

Look out the window, my love
Look out the window, my love
peek to the window, my love
peek to the window, my love

Look out the window, my love
Look out the window, my love
for you since this afternoon I am there

Letters Of Interest To Sororities

With the clouds - Emma Brown (2010)

Italian version

My sown sia passato little tempo
my watch has stopped and I do not know what
and do not understand what you just said
and you do not I repeat most

And now it all seems very different or
perhaps removing makeup from your face
Yet I have spoken often
e non ti riconosco più

E tutto cambia e cambierà

Danzerò di notte con le nuvole
sfiderò la sorte senza piangere
come se fosse pioggia
come se fosse aria
to make life
easier than it is

Danzer night with clouds
kiss the lot without crying
like rain
like air
to make life more complicated
for me and for you

I think our time has passed
your poems, pictures in black and white
and the words written on a wall
not read more

And everything changes and change

Danzer at night with clouds
defy fate without crying
like rain
like air
to make life
easier than it is

Danzer at night with clouds
kiss the lot without crying
like rain
like air
to make life more complicated

Pictures of me and you
marked by the time
passes and leaves traces
of stifled dreams mind

Danzer at night with clouds
defy fate without crying
as if rain was
like air
to make life
easier than it is

Danzer at night with clouds
kiss the lot without crying
like rain
like air
to make life more complicated
for me and for you
for me and you

With las Nubes - Emma Brown
to Traducción español

I think that has happened recently
my watch has stopped and do not know how long
and do not understand that you've just said
and you do not you repeat over

And now it seems all quite different or
may remove makeup from your face
yet you have spoken very often
and I recognize you no more

And everything changes and change

I play at night with clouds
challenge not mourn the fate
as if rain
air as if
to restore life harder
for me and for you

I think our time has passed
your poetry, the black and white photos
and words written on a wall
read more not

And everything changes and change

I play at night with clouds
challenge not mourn the fate
as if rain
as if it were air
to restore life
simpler than that which is

I play at night with clouds
challenge mourn the fate without
as if rain
air as if
to return life harder

Pictures of me and you
signs of time
passes and leaves traces
suffocated dreams in the mind

Danzare of night clouds
challenge not mourn the fate
as if rain
air as if
to return life
simplest one that is

night I play with the clouds
challenge not mourn the fate
as if rain
air as if
to restore life harder
for me and for you
for me and for you

Friday, December 3, 2010

Hiring In Brampton On


Dear friends and dear friends,
our "thank you" goes to Hon. Di Biagio, Sen. Germontani and the whole Group and the Future of Freedom for Italy, certainly not to the House law, for these reasons: A.

The Hon. Di Biagio:
- by presenting a motion in Parliament in the House - House artificially distorted by-law has given way to other subsequent motions of other parties;
- with the presentation of a OdG the Stability Pact, artificially distorted by home straight, saw the partial acceptance by the Government's commitments to safeguard the "generally known"
- With the presentation and illustration of "question time" in the House, artificially distorted by our own, has faced a non-existent Minister La Russa.
The basic consideration that arises is: when you think only the self-interest, right dear home, dear "generally known", the result is obtained, that is NOTHING.

B. The Hon. Germontani:
- With the presentation of the usual motion, artificially distorted by the right house, and luckily not discussed, either now or never, the Senate has not wanted to show his support, because of Home right at all "sine titulo" but only the "usual known"
- By presenting dell'OdG, accepted by the 5 th of the Senate Budget Committee in the discussion of the Stability Pact, which is re-established the truth of the law, and that does not relate in part accepted in full by Commission, "usually known," he tried to defend all sine titulo, attacking the defense where it is most vulnerable;

C. House Law:
- Of course our thanks can not go home because right :
a) A house is right on him all the fault of the times in which we live (I had already talked about in my previous writing "Collusion with the enemy ");
b) A House is leaning right all the blame for doing OdG present motions or trying to protect the" usual known. "

Luckily we intervened in time to warn, telling the truth about the "better known", the component of the Future and Freedom.
According to scientists, it would have to meet the Minister (military leaders) to the question time presented by 'Mr Di Biagio, if not what was said?
The error is cause because when you try to pull water ONLY WITH THEIR MILL, without taking into account the public interest, in the end this is the result you get. About
lists housing alienable, we too, as the House law, we are in possession of these lists and, just so you know, housing in Via Garibaldi are included in the plan of sale. So as we said before, or takes or nine years left to pay the rent free market! RIGHT AT HOME THANKS
Finally, the law allows us, as the sine titulo, to buy the house at a discount of 41%, was canceled in 2007.

Who knows what tomorrow brings!

A tip: be careful what you tell it.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Combat Action Badge How Many Authorized


Dear friends and dear friends, we learn that a large
number of people are turning to the right house to see if your accommodation is included among those to be sold. House
law calls for calm and said to reveal the secret after the publication of the decree and that, in the meantime, we must roll up their sleeves ! .
I do not think you want to show that some accommodation - shot to guess-located in Via Garibaldi in Rome is included among those transferred.
And if tomorrow, after the publication of the list (not the decree) by the State Property Agency Via Garibaldi is apparent that miraculously disappeared?.
must start (or lay?) A table!.
To do what? How
we have said before, via Garibaldi was with the law 326/2003 and someone who did not want to buy the house could stay for nine years now with the law 244/2007, via Garibaldi's, who does not want to buy the house will stay for nine years, the only difference is that until you acquire the dwelling (not less than three years) or more for nine years will have to pay the Conon free market!
Forget the ISEE or the letter promised by the gradual Crosetto, the Court of Auditors say "dura lex, sed lex."
House right now, good fight with the military!

Bow & Arrow Dark Forest Level 9


Dear friends and dear friends sfrattandi car or evicted
we'd like to know why the Secretary, as the plan required by law-scam, promoted and praised by House right as the panacea for all pensioners and widows, provides that in fifteen years, the Defense build or buy on the open market more than 50,000 dwellings for a total expenditure of € 5.7 billion (almost a financial) to be financed by the sale of not less than 3,000 rooms, because we said we wanted at all costs rages to evict some thousand (or few hundred, perhaps, as the Commission said in defense), for families?. Maybe he thinks to resolve the situation for the conduct of the bankruptcy assets housing that evicting?
In the humble opinion of this writer, we believe that the Secretary, the political - and I have proof on paper-has been tricked by the military who have no intention of doing anything!.
The only interest of top military brass is to demonstrate their power - other than Afghanistan! - And the willingness of the Secretary are about to succeed. We'll see after D-Day!
Because the Secretary has never sought or has never asked what has changed since March 2006 to December 2007?
certainly aware, or should know, in March 2006 the then Defence Minister, also urged the Question time presented in plenary by the Group of NA - On the first signatory Ignazio La Russa, what is now wants to evict us - and discussed December 21, 2005, was pushing for it to proceed with the sale to users of sine titulo of 4493 identified housing as no longer 'useful to the defense needs.
Today we talk of selling a total of no less than 3,000 units NO LONGER 'useful to the defense needs.
Question: Is it illogical to think of those from 4493 housing? There would be more resources? Or do you want to do with persecuting arrogant, putting in place actions that border on psychological terrorism, the families of ultra-seventies?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Name Of Funny Diseases


Dear friends and dear friends, we finally understood the game
House law. At first we thought that the cancellation law House wanted by the law 326/2003 - to be clear that he did buy the house for sine titulo with a discount of 41% - were attributable to the fact that some users, perhaps only one, not wanted to buy a house and wanted to stay during his lifetime, preferably for free.
We were wrong. From the chart published by Casa law and intervening with Gen. Camporini - CSM-defense, we discovered that the reason why House has made clear the law is the law that "he wanted the defense MUGGING 4500 housing." And those who were waiting to buy?
not care about that then the military would proceed with evictions. The fact remains that someone will house nine years always right remains in engaged.
makes me laugh is the fact that home straight, almost passively, suggests the staff to run and do the ISEE.
Evidently I must say that House did not read the law of the threatening letter SM - all the same and photocopy for the three-MS.
no law currently in force has given the defense the right to ask the family income of each user as it did not grant the right to do lists for the evictions is that the increase of fees. We're back to the Super enalotto. Must House know that the right of a rent increase will be equal for all, otherwise the Court of Auditors shall quote the defense to give the Treasury. Then reassure Mr. Boncioli: he will have his bell'aumento and, incidentally, from 1 January next year.
This is the answer that will give the defense: it must respect the law.
As I got to say: WHO'S 'GUILT OF ITS BAD ... ..

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Boombox Antenna Parts

WHO 'because of his MAL ... ! HERE ARE THE NUMBERS

Dear friends and dear friends, I would have preferred
silent for a little longer, but since many of you have contacted me to ask what will be our future, I am here to answer to all of you.
I'm really impressed by the frantic activity of our friends (sic) of Casadiritto.
What if it got to the presentation of motions - look a little no one says that the first presenter is a member of the party Ginfranco Fini, FUTURE AND FREEDOM? -.
There will be time to discuss these motions in the House? I have my doubts. Will certainly be happy with the Hon. Crosetto and Gen. Camporini.
the way, you know what out of good will that man (Gen. Camporini) who wants to increase the rent at open market prices? The modest sum of one million euro!
But apart from that and returning to the frenetic activity Casadiritto and praiseworthy, since we were not born yesterday, we all remember when, after the approval of Law 326/2003 - in short, the law that allowed us to buy the house where we lived by taking advantage of the discount of 41% - some, perhaps Casadiritto, if not I'm mistaken, the sole ground that the law would allow him to remain in his quarters for nine years he shouted: THIS LAW It will take 'HAND IN THE BANKS. Casadrittom Thanks for saving us, you are thankful.
Seven years have passed, the houses were not sold and those characters who yesterday opposed the sale of homes because a stay was imposed for nine years, now find themselves suffering the same fate. Then
Casadiritto with who are you? With you or those (perhaps only one) who do not want to buy the house? Also nine years (at most) will remain.
Rather Be aware that some members of the new party for Freedom and Future of Italy will present in Finance (Stability Pact) of the Orders of the day when you ask those things we always wanted.
To all of you a hug and see you soon

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Alcohol Ruin Camelbak

my story with you - Alessandra Amoroso (2010)

Versión en Italian

Look good in the eyes
for too long escaped from me
seem a distant, almost light years
those moments with you

When I said "you're beautiful"
you make me live fable
when I felt necessary
an immense joy to cry
but now everything is distant
and divides us a deep furrow

More, more
I would like to live intensely
that dream together
my story with you

Perhaps there is no way out
when everything does not go without saying
know sometimes I feel lonely
with you

But you told me "you're beautiful"
you wrote "I love you "on every page
where they repeat "you are fantastic"
comes to mind and I was only
but now everything is distant
divides us and a deep furrow

More, more
I would like to live intensely
that dream together

I want your hands on
want to live in color
tell me that emotion back

More, more
want to live entirely
more, more
I live immensely
that dream together
mine storia con te
mine storia con te

My story with you - Alessandra Amoroso
English translation

Look at me in the eyes
long ago run away from me
seems distant, almost light years
those moments with

When you said "you're beautiful"
made me live a fable
when I was indispensable
of an immense joy to mourn
while now it's all very distant
and we split a very deep groove

yet, yet
want to live intensely
that dream together
my story with you

However told me "you're beautiful"
you wrote "I love you" on every page
when I repeated "you are fantastic"
rozabas and I felt my only
now change is all very distant
and we split a very deep groove

yet, yet
want to live intensely
that dream together

I want your hands on
want to live in color
tell me that emotion return

yet, yet
want to live entirely
yet still
want to live immensely
that dream together
my story with you
my story with you

How To Hide Cold Sore

You are unique - Gianluca Grignani (2010)

Versión en Italian

I would like you to write a full disc
is not something that Random is what I really feel
but the first words to me They come to say
are only these: You make me crazy

Come on, tell me you love me
while you make love that is worth more
am sincere when the whole world
say if you did not exist
you should invent
but you do so
because you're so
only six

Six something that I do not I can explain
but every time I go away from you I return
to be left alone face to face
and say nothing to the rest of the people

Come on, tell me you love me
while you make love that is worth more
am sincere when the whole world
say if you did not exist
you should invent
but you do so
you will always

I hide in my wings
so you do not fall down
so you do not find on earth
among the things that have nothing to do with you
but because of me touching you and you hurt
I would like to protect yourself on the wrong side of the world
but all I can do
whenever I fall
is keeping you get up in arms
and return flight

Then move your hair and make a strange face
that only understands Who loves you like I

Come on, tell me you love me
while you make love that is worth more
soy sincere when the whole world
say if you did not exist
dovrei you invent
ma così farei you
Perchè sei così your
sei only
sei only

're unique - Gianluca Grignani
English translation

I write to you an entire disk
is not a random thing said is that I feel really
but the first words that come to say
are only these: You make me crazy

Dale, dale, tell me you love me
while I love that it is better
am sincere when I say the whole world
say if you exist not
you should invent
but I would do so
because that you are
are only

you one thing I dare not explain
but every time I walk away from you I return
to be alone in the eyes eyes
and say no to all other people

Dale, dale, tell me you love me
while I love that it is better
am sincere when I say the whole world
you say if there were no
you should invent
but I would do so
not ever let

I hide in my wings
not make fall under
not find land make
between things that have nothing to do with you
my fault but you rub and hurt you
I would like to protect you from the wrong part of the world
but anything I can do
every time I fall
is taking you to get up in arms
and resume flight

move After hair and make a strange face
comprising only one who loves you like I

Dale, dale, tell me I love
while I love that it is better
am sincere when I say the whole world
you say if there were not
you should invent
but I would and
because that you are
are only
are only