Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Funniest Freshman Initiation

unidentified object .... UFO!

First Party.
Damn Dim Sims!
... What are the Dim Sims? The Dim Sims are small, yellow, ugly, smelly Chinese snacks of meat (what kind and do not 'know) and sauerkraut, enclosed by a thin layer of puff pastry. These snacks are cooked by frying, and of course keep them frozen for more 'long.
End Part.

The weeks before Christmas were definitely a little fun in the kitchen. In sharp contrast to the binomial parties / our pub restaurant always record a few appearances during the holidays as the main clientele and 'made up of university students (drunk), that in the days free return on their family and certainly do not think a rienpirsi the stomach (and liver) with my "chicken parma. That is to say that the days are spent working with a bore made of long pauses.
End Part.

Third Party.
Although God has endowed us all (more 'or less) of a functioning brain, it happens that sometimes the sconneta alimentezione pensieto the part linked to and acting on other stimuli. It would be difficult to then connect the brain when certain actions irrational and 'fully active ... but boredom and' a "disease" terrible ... all that makes us irresponsible irresponsible.
Finish Third Party.

fourth and final part.
... So here I am and what 'happened in one of these pauses about a week ago ... The
Unique in the bar ordering a plate of stir-fry. I approach the freezer to take measures, including a pack of bloody Dim Sims. I open the package and 4 will fall to the ground accidentally. Plunge the rest of the envelope in the fryer and the four ground raccoldo just fallen. With the joy a child in the fourth grade I am going to throw "puzzosi frozen in the bin, the distance of a few meters ... an outside, one inside, one almost almost until the last ... In When I do the gesture for a field goal to pull a waiter comes to the kitchen and tells me "expects", pulling out a piece of wood and imitating the movement of cricket players (cricket and 'a shit sport, like baseball, played mainly not solely by ex-British colonies). without thinking twice about shooting the infamous basket, freezzer, smelly Dim Sim, who at the speed 'of a flying saucer is hit by a waiter who jerk me shoot at you.
We omit the details, but a "stone" frozen shot in the face and not 'the top, and, fortunately, and I' happened on the cheekbones that except for a black and a little bang 'of the left eye redness I have not reported .. .
Finish Fourth Party.

... now everything is' back to normal 'in my pretty face and I can go back to my activity' model together with Brad Pitt and Backam ... eh well.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Girdles For Men Side Effects


Dear friends and dear friends,
I waited until now to write on the intervention of Minister La Russa during transmission Exit because I thought everyone had already drawn the necessary conclusions. Return Links
But after reading the "Information" appeared on the site aeronautica.difesa.it.
understand, although I do not agree that "I hold the family", but go so far as to advocate and ye say lies, half truths, scrambling to please his head, this is just not something we can accept.
all'estensore suggest script - how much time will be wasted to come up with this pile of ... .. ideas - before giving free definitions, read the laws currently in force and to consult a dictionary of the Italian language, if this had been done today there would have been spared some of this waste of time.
certainly know that our Office of the Minister had given instructions to the Government employees in accordance with law 244/2007,: - identify a first tranche of housing no longer useful for institutional purposes, not less than 3,000, to be disposed of ( due to an upgrade to the writer of AM, we recall that back in 2006, SM had identified 4,493 housing no longer useful for institutional purposes), - to insert the remaining part of the assets housed in one of three categories a) to be allocated housing ASI for which staff is required constant presence in the place of employment; b) AST accommodation to be allocated to staff at their request for a temporary and renewable c) accommodation to be allocated to ransom.
In conclusion, the evictions were carried out fervently that someone would just "wishful thinking .
Next, as regards the timely implementation of Law - Rules to be submitted with the accommodations and dispose of the new reclassification of the remaining part of housing- soon we will be happy to read news on the site of AOS -
I take this opportunity to send to all you readers and your families most sincere wishes for a happy Christmas .

Sunday, December 14, 2008

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Care micas and dear friends, you
update on the meeting held with Hon. CROSETTO, Undersecretary of Defense with responsibility for the treatment of the problem stayed, which authorized the issuance of the following statement:
military families
Committee Home

On 27 November 2008, the Committee was received by Hon. Guido CROSETTO, Secretary of State for Defence, to address the issue of alienation of the housing stock managed by the Defense, with particular reference to the application of the rule set by law 244/2007, which will impact on the lives of thousands of families.
then speak of the future sale of housing and, once approved the rules, many families to the threat of being evicted.
The Committee has been the disastrous social and economic aspects that such a solution would entail.
The Hon. Crosetto was clear that the possibility to apply solely in cases where occupied dwellings and not released are located within military facilities.
He also gave assurance that it will be launched in a very short time, the plan of selling the largest possible number of housing located outside of the military infrastructure thus timely to launch this multi-annual program for the construction and purchase of new housing that can meet the needs of staff in the waiting list. The Committee
had in fact shown that it exceeded the old formula of housing rotation for which Robbing Peter to give to others is difficult to overcome trauma by creating all displeased to thousands of families who had spent more than half of their lives, both in service and retired in the same house.
The special case of housing located in Rome, Hon. Crosetto expressed by giving assurance that the sales plan will be large because it is in the interest of the State, given also the serious economic crisis we face, again with a vast plan of operations in the sector.
The Committee expresses its gratitude to Hon. Crosetto for their commitment and determination with which is facing and solving a problem deepened by years of inaction in the belief that the sale of the assets managed by the Defence is now considered a priority for the staff, the Public Accounts and for the renewal and enhancement of the same today degradation pathway for atavistic lack of maintenance.
December 2008.

We are confident that the words will follow the facts, just due to a response to those on the website of Defense AM insist on giving us the abuses and which can not wait to "pass for weapons." A cordial greeting

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How Do I Encrypt My Harddrive

It's Jazz / Flamenco time!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dezert Eagle Blueprint

Bavette with pesto, potatoes and green beans

Today I wanted to pay homage to my favorite vegetarian recipes with www.giallozafferano.it unearthed on the site, my site the reference for Italian cooking. The dish is not 'just a pasta al pesto with the addition of beans and potatoes, which despite its simplicity' is a valid alternative as a main dish. The only care is in the cooking times that if not met are likely to spoil the result. In this regard the Board to cook the potatoes cut into small pieces for 1 minute and a half in the oven microondeo and then continue cooking in the pot (from cold water to a boil) to speed up the process and drain the beans when they are still a bit 'crunchy in order not to be overcooked when being served (in fact, continue the cooking process even once pulled out of the water, unless you wet them in ice water, the that would not make much sense given that the dish should be served hot).
Once potatoes, beans and pasta are cooked and drained place them gently in a bowl and mix together lightly with the pesto. For this recipe I did not add the Parmesan, first because 'already' contained in the pesto, the other 'cause if it is too large (as is usually like at all) is likely to disproportionately dry ingredients already' consistently ammalgamare starch potato.
Enjoy it!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Sales Counselor Job La Fitness

Useful or not useful: this is the problem!

Dear friends and dear friends,
everything revolves around this question: What are the accommodations of use to institutional requirements of Defence and which ones are not.
On March 2, 2006 Minister Martin issued a DM for the year 2004, registered at the Court of Auditors on 21 March 4493 were identified in which housing defined no longer useful for institutional and then transferred. Since that date if they have not made anything more until December 24, 2007, by Law 244/2007, it was decided that those not covered by the 4493 housing availability of Defense to be used again (but were not those who were no longer relevant to institutional ?) or to be alienated. The same law, art. 2, paragraph 628, letter b) says that the defense will have to dispose of a number of dwellings, no less than three thousand units, no longer useful for institutional purposes. So I wonder, and perhaps you are wondering,: but the properties that do not serve the Defense vary depending on the time and convenience or a number, once it is established, must remain constant?. But there is more. Still the same paragraph says that housing to be disposed of - not always less than three thousand - should be part of a single complex.
Whereas before, with the Decree of March 2, housing located in Cecchignola, in the Po valley, in avenue gold medals, in via Garibaldi (all managed by housing ' EI) and so on. - Speak clearly of Rome, but everything can be transferred to any other part of Italy - were alienated because no longer useful to the needs of Defence, now all become more useful and therefore not alienable. I'd rather not talk about the housing situation managed by the MAI as the latter have always been held by the same Air Force as a private property and on which no one, much less the policy, he could put his mouth.
We are waiting to know something about the choice and the number of housing will be to identify, then dispose. About
modes of alienation, I'll be talking about the immediate future.
Are you sure, that you had the opportunity to purchase insurance that occupied housing, that all this is within the normal range of things?
Do not you feel cheated and do not believe that the time has come to make their voices heard?
From what I've seen so far I only see people who passively accepts everything that is required or that is at the window watching the events in the hope that someone else fights for them!
The proverb says that God helps you Aided .
am always waiting to know your thoughts.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

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Privacy is a right?

Dear friends and dear friends,
today I will introduce a new topic that affects all of us that on the confidentiality of which is reserved for all citizens.
However, every year we all receive the commands that manage the housing strange request to fill out a card asking you to know the gross annual income for each component of our family and also how many houses you have, where they are located and their land value.
know why this request? To determine if we have to pay: the fee amount to the fair fee, where the income is less than that provided annually by ministerial decree, or the rent is increased by 50% if our family income is greater than the latter. Since, however, for the Defense of the simple things are mysteriously and inexplicably the most difficult, then some luminary has invented this beautiful card. To make it then what? Goes to understand. For our top WE MUST BE ALL DATA. For what? . Perhaps because one has to pass the time??.
would not have been easier to ask: The SV exceeds the income established by the Minister? Tick \u200b\u200bthe corresponding box: YES or NO. And also: SV has no other suitable accommodation? Tick \u200b\u200bthe box answer: YES or NO.
But what is more surprising is that staff who already pay a fee plus should be excluded by this request. But anyhow: the consumption of paper is part of the money for the exercise of FA
But there is more!. He threatened that if the user does not respond within a certain period of time the same "lose the title to the concession .
The comedian Totò would say "but let me pleasure" !
the undersigned, to grant him the title he lost in the mail 1994ed it is addressed to "retired Col. Marc Blasi". Then I ask myself: "But how many times I want to lose this blessed title??.
Joking aside (Oh God these things should make us reflect on the preparation Our Leaders), I personally think the issue highly detrimental to one's personal privacy.
I urge you all to become unresponsive to these extravagant claims unless they are not placed in the manner described above.
soon with further developments on the "Rules" and how much will the defense do in the near future.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hack For Sidekick Prepaid


THE BIBLE of every sysadmin little to do with the subject matter but you propose again here as a warning as well as absolute pearl of wisdom:

This is my backup. There are many like it, but this is mine. My backup is my best friend, is my life. I must master it as dominated my life. Without me, my backup is nothing, without my restore I am nothing. I must know backupped servers incrementally better than my enemy who seeks to rubbish me and my backup (Murphy), I must backupped before he disgraced my hard drive and I will. Before God I swear this creed. My backup and myself are defenders of the engine room, we are the masters of our RAID enemies, we are the saviors of our lives and so be it, until there is more but only restore backup. Amen.

Freely adapted from THIS signed Ienabellamy Blog ... cherish it ;-)

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Welcome back

Driiiiiiin Driiiiiiiiin .... Helpdesk, Hello?

Yes, Mark is ready, just got back from holiday and I can not remember the password resets .... me?
IO: (clikketiclikkete. .....) ok done, greetings.

Driiiiiiin Driiiiiiiiin .... Helpdesk Hello?

Good morning to you, I am just back from holiday and can not remember the password you can reset it ...?
IO: (clikketiclikkete. .....) ok done, greetings.

Driiiiiiin Driiiiiiiiin .... Helpdesk, Hello?

you hear, I forget the password ... know how it is ... I have just returned from holiday ... can reset it?
IO: (clikketiclikkete. .....) ok done, greetings.

pass type 40 calls the same and we begin to reach the limit ....

Driiiiiiin Driiiiiiiiin .... Helpdesk, Hello?

Look, I do not remember the pwd of the PC .... know how it is ... (interrupting the user ...) Sisi, it is ... I can wait in line for a moment? I do a transaction ...
USER: Ok please, go ahead!

IO: I search your PC ...... and here it is ....
play the card of Vate Mosconi !! (the mute button Phone ...):



* then I take off the Mute button from the phone. *

IO: Here I am, excuse the wait ... (clikketiclikkete. .....) ok done, greetings.

normal day in late August ....

Elevated Ldh, Ast, Alt And Bilirubin


Driiiiiiin Driiiiiiiiin .... Helpdesk, Hello?

Yes, Hello ... Look, my name is Marta e. ..... I wanted to point out that disintegrated a network folder, you can regenerate??

-------- CLICK tututututu .....

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Template Of A Babys Footprint

faxa the fax, the printer will not print ....


Hello, my name is Luke and I would like to point out that the printer does not print, fax and the scanner does not faxa scanner. ...

-------- CLICK tututututu .....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sentencing Letter To Judge Template

Just to recreation ... Hello

Guys, I put the Pac-Man at the bottom a little time for recreation, the commands are the 4 directional arrows to go out and Q and P for pause. Have fun ;-)

Hello, Doctor

Creamy Red Wine Vinaigrette

Helpdesk: - \\

I open this blog for someone like me, do help technical / computer science at large \\ large companies who abuse benefit in such a way as to sclera operators, here you can tell historical facts (obviously omitting names, etc. companies. ) which may then be reported (after being screened) in the same Blog.
A very special thanks goes to David White (aka Sysadmin that depopulated the web for its Stories of the engine room) to have evolved increased my already fulfilling cynicism and delight me every Monday with his adventures.

the blog is currently under construction, news will follow shortly.


The Doctor.

Ps The rules are simple, send email to me what you signed mail unless you want to stay anonymous that you just specify it in the mail. As soon as the various adventures will be evaluated and then mail will be notified as soon as possible.
not make the names of companies and / or UTONTI nor references to various applications unless they are in the public domain (eg chess .... Internet Explorer rather than $ nomediunapplicativointernobancarioconlastessafunzionediIE for example).
any thing (including at Systems) always contact me in private email ;-)