Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mouth Soft Palate Abscess

Tag # 3: Literary indiscreet questions

  • Happy Saturday girls! : D
    Since I enjoy so much today ... I am going to make another tag ... :)
    But this time does not affect at all the makeup, well my passion ... yes another reading! : D

    1) how to choose the books to read? influenced by the reviews you do? Before I went to the library and took what inspired me, now for a while I started to watch videos on You Tube and girls follow different ( Bluebeam310 , Flovianne , Vaxl2007 ) and I made a list of books that, among those who advise them, I care about most ...: D
    And no, I will not be swayed by the reviews, it usually also take note of those books of which he speaks well. Of course if more than one person says that the book is bad maybe I avoid it.

    2) Where to buy books in bookstores or online? In the library, I like to get in place full of knowledge, and touch the books by hand, in order to exit the store proud of my purchases literary ihihihihi! : P

    3) waiting until you finish reading a book before buying another, or have an escort? I have a spare. In fact I have a thing to read the first page of the book again after having just finished one .... tell me that not only the only please! hahaha! Finish a book makes me feel empty ... I do not know how to explain it ... ... so it leaves me incomplete now beginning another.

    4) Usually when you read? If I have a Oretta time after lunch, the evening before bedtime.

    5) you do influence the number of pages when you buy a book? Absolutely not.

    6) favorite genre? Romance, or at least a novel in which there is an intense love story. I'm very sentimental. Even the novels I like very much.

    7) you have a favorite author? Ken Follet, Isabelle Allende (recently: D but his novels make me crazy), and Wilburn Smith

    8) When did your passion for reading? In adolescence, but is developing more and more for some months now.

    9) Early books? Um, my mother, because I know who treats them well. Otherwise I'd rather not ... I'm jealous of my books. : P

    10) Read a book you can read at a time or several together? No one at a time, but why not be able to read more. I just do not like it.

    11) Your friends / family read? My father made me love reading. Through him I met my favorite authors, except Allende. My mother only reads books that I recommend, but little to no time. My sister's just none of it, for her to read is a chore, a duty.

    12) how long it takes on average to read a book? One week maximum. But it also depends on the length of the book and the time that I have.

    13) when you see a person reading (eg public transport) will immediately add to glimpse the title of his book? Si: P

    14) if all the world's books were to be destroyed and could only save one which would it be? I do not know, is a difficult question ...

    15) because I like to read? Why am I alien from reality and makes me forget the problems I have, making me empathize with the protagonists, seem almost to be another person, rather than myself. As I read the emotions of living is protagonist. If the protagonist is anxious, my stomach tightens at me as if I was. It 's very difficult to explain how I feel ... that's what I like about reading. Thing a film does not always forward.

    16) read books on loan (from friends or from the library) or only books you own? Usually the books I always buy them because I like to keep them.

    17) What is the book that you never got to finish? The footprint of the caliph of Wilburn Smith. I tried three times: D

    18) Have you ever bought a book just because he had a beautiful cover, and what attracts you on the cover of a book? Yes, I attract the pictures and colors.

    19) is a publishing house that you love especially, and why? No there is not. I wither to the authors, are the ones who write novels, not publishers.

    20) to bring books everywhere (eg on the beach or on public transport) or keep them "safe" inside the house? No, if I travel I do, too. I also took a cruise.
    21) What is the book that you have got one you liked most? The dream snatched by Barbara and Stephanie Keating. It 'was a gift from my cousin.

    22) how to choose a book to give away? Usually books only gift to people who know the literary tastes.

    23) Your library is sorted according to a criterion, or keep the books in any order? The books are in chronological order, from the first that I read in the latest one.

    24) when you read a book he notes, the laws or jump? I read a whole book, including reviews journalists on the back cover.

    25) read any introductions, prefaces and afterwords books or jump? See previous question. : D

    This amused me so much more ... I hope it was interesting for you too!
    Kisses to the next: P


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