Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How To Get Rid Of The Sims 3 Curfew

*** *** I Love Your Blog

Again Good evening girls!
Maybe the post title some of you might have already guessed what it is. Well that is a few days between blog runs this award, and now ... sopresaaaa! The gentle, lovely and talented (I swear I paid!;)) RamblinRose of Makeupmushroom awarded me this prize! : D Thank you once again for the beautiful words from her charges against me! ^ _ ^

Now it's up to me to assign.
Here are the rules:

  • accept the award and write a post about it;
  • choice of 3 to 5 blogs that you like and you want to know by informing them that they have received the prize;
  • link to the post to the person who sent it to you.
Below are the last blog that I liked and I think they deserve to be known (more than it already is! :D ) :



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