Friday, March 11, 2011

Sidekick Hacking Software

Life-giving Venus Glossy Rimmel London Stay

raggazzuole Good evening! :)
This will be the last review today ...

Now I speak of the Rimmel London Stay Glossy.

No 160 Stay My Rose

This product can be found in almost all the perfumes, and also from Acqua & Sapone. The price is € 8.40, but it depends retailer.

were won at first glance its brilliance, and I was not wrong because it gives a fabulous effect applied bagnato.Non other gloss I ever tried the Rimmel so far and I must admit that first experience was positive.
The color I chose is a pink-barbie intense but not overly flashy.
The duration is not particularly high, and say that buying hoping that the color was slightly more intense and opaque. But after all is a lipgloss.

lips remain soft even after a few hours after application, but I always suggest to first put a good lip balm or lip butter.
As you can see from the photo package is very beautiful, sophisticated and elegant. The cap is silver
ergonomic and is engraved on the crown Rimmel.
The gloss has no peculiar smell, therefore has no smell.

recommended or avoided? Recommended, too bad for the price a little high for a lipgloss.


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